No Time Muscle

Build muscle in 3 hours a week

Body composition coaching for time-starved professionals

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Muscle mass is magic.

Muscle mass requires energy (calories) just to survive on your body. The more of it you build, the more you can eat and still lose weight:

  • Dieting is more comfortable.
  • It's possible to diet more aggressively and hit your goals faster.
  • You can eat enough to stave off micronutrient deficiencies, keep energy high, and still lose fat

"But building muscle takes time... right?"


As an untrained individual, your body is primed to make rapid adaptations to the entirely new stimulus lifting weights provides.

You have about a year to seize full advantage of this window of opportunity and pack on as much muscle mass as you can.

But, in that year, you can put on enough muscle mass to stagger your friends, your family, even your enemies.

All you need is three hours a week.

We're here to show you how.

Fitness girl lifting weights in gym with barbell on her back.

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